Young Academics Track

Total of 25 students teams will be selected to join this unique and exiting innovation journey

Challenge-based Learning

The Young Academic Track focuses on challenge-based learning, where university students from partnering countries work in teams to develop their ideas and solutions to one of 6 sustainability challenges below. The sustainability challenges are brought forward by global partners and the selected student teams will be provided with a detailed challenge brief along with direct contact and mentorship from the challenge partners. 

Inclusive and Integrated Water Resource Management

Green Strategic Partnership.
NITI Aayog - AIM Atal Innovation Mission.
Innovation Centre Denmark.
Ministry of Environment of Denmark

How can we develop to utilize water systems as multifunctional spaces that support recreational activities or promote inclusive communities while acting as effective water resource management systems – especially in rural areas?

Sustainable Homes of the Future – for People and Planet


How might we design and build the homes for the future in a way where they have a low impact on the environment and at the same time provide inclusive, healthy indoor environments?

Conceptualizing Regenerative Thinking & Systems at Urban Scale

Henning Larsen.

How might we get people involved in making homes and neighborhood’s regenerative?

Data Driven Water Quality

Ghana Water Company Ltd.

How can data and inclusion improve water quality and sanitation in the Greater Accra Region?

The Red Light, Green Light of Inclusive Smart Cities – Ensuring Inclusivity While Balancing Innovation and Tradition

How might we develop smart cities that are innovative and take advantage of the newest technologies while not leaving any of its citizens behind?

Behavioral Change for Water Justice

Water Research Commission.

How might we change people’s behaviour to reduce water consumption and improve water security?

What About Architecture?

You might be wondering: “What about architecture? I thought this was an initiative that is part of the World Congress of Architects.

The purpose of the congress is to create a platform to discuss how architecture can contribute to a sustainable future – leaving no one behind. This is a holistic challenge, and UIA is inviting “the whole built environment” to participate in the discussion, where NGCA is a key initiative in doing so by bringing together and into the congress, young academics and entrepreneurs from diverse cultures and fields.