Young Entrepreneurs Track

15 startup teams will be selected to join the acceleration journey

Acceleration Journey

The Young Entrepreneurs journey focuses on preparing startup teams for active and fruitful congress participation and equips them with a clearly defined congress strategy. Each startup participates with two team members, one of which needs to be a founder. The startup teams will be engaged in a virtual acceleration journey from the 1st of June until their arrival to Copenhagen for the UIA World Congress of Architects 2023. The acceleration journey focuses on building presentation and communication competencies, preparing the startup teams to exhibit and pitch their solution at the UIA World Congress. It further has a strong focus on aiding the startup in using the visit to Copenhagen and the congress to build international partnerships.

Congress tickets are included in the program, and so are travel and accommodation for startups outside of Denmark, enabled through partners and sponsorships.

Important Dates


24 April

Application deadline



Team announcements


31 MAY



28 June

Arrival at Copenhagen


2-6 July


What About Architecture?

You might be wondering: “What about architecture? I thought this was an initiative that is part of the World Congress of Architects.

The purpose of the congress is to create a platform to discuss how architecture can contribute to a sustainable future – leaving no one behind. This is a holistic challenge, and UIA is inviting “the whole built environment” to participate in the discussion, where NGCA is a key initiative in doing so by bringing together and into the congress, young academics and entrepreneurs from diverse cultures and fields.